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|| SiLVER 0 288 by || SiLVER
Mar 20, 2010 21:11:52 GMT -5


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RiverClan are swimmers, and prefer to eat fish over woodland prey. It makes sense that their territory would be marshy and wet. A majority of their territory is the marsh, an expanse of territory by the island. Mostly frogs are the only source of prey here, and only ShadowClan eats frogs. This is mostly used for herb supplies. Most herbs can be found here because of the moist and rich ground. To find prey, RiverClan turns to the lake and the streams. Fish can be caught by the dozens here, and most fishing lessons take place by the stream. Some cats can be found swimming in the lake, but never when others are fishing and never too far out. If a cat swam to the middle, they would surely drown. The halfbridge is also part of their territory. It is an old rundown twoleg bridge. It's broken and crumbling, and covered in rot. Still, twolegs like to run and jump off of it in greenleaf. Foolish twolegs. This place is usually avoided, especially in greenleaf. The farthest their territory goes is to the horseplace. This is where their border with WindClan is. Anywhere from the marsh to horseplace is a good hunting ground for voles and a few slow rabbits.
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